Getting Good Writing Jobs

New freelancers may find it challenging to find writing jobs that fit their interests with limited experience. Opportunities for new writers exist, but you need to know where to find them.

How To Create A Good Freelance Writer Portfolio

A freelance writer needs a portfolio to get clients to patronize his business. A portfolio is a profile that describes who you are and what you do, such that clients who require your kind of service can easily find you. 

It is the equivalent of a CV to a job hunter; you both are looking for a job. The only difference is that a job hunter is looking for a physical location job, while yours is virtual or online, and you get paid on your terms, but a physical location worker gets paid monthly.

Your portfolio comprises your specific field or line of work. It gives the viewer an idea of what you do. This is why you need to carefully construct one; else, a reckless and rushed profile will only be unattractive to potential clients. 

Whether you are an expert or a novice, your portfolio determines if you will get a gig. An incredible portfolio that belongs to a novice will generate more clients than a poorly built one that belongs to an expert. The potential client cannot automatically see your work or read your mind/experience; hence, the need to be careful in building a portfolio. 

The purpose of your portfolio is to attract clients, tell your potential employers more about you and what you do. Therefore, you need to consistently update your portfolio as you develop new skills.

Building a profitable freelance writing portfolio involves a short biography that explains what you do and why you are the best fit among other competitors for the job. There is no need to include unnecessary information like date of birth, weight/height, etc. because it has nothing to do with promoting what you do. 

Instead, include things like recommendations by previous clients, what you are highly skilled at, what makes you unique among other freelance writers, and so on. Put yourself in the clients' shoes and think of what you would see on a freelancer's profile that would put you off or on and adjust your profile based on your judgment. Also, you can ask a couple of friends to review your portfolio for you. Sell yourself properly with your profile. 

Include your social media handles for your business page; if you do not have one yet, create. Also, include links to your previous works, so potential clients can see and judge your ability based on merit. This gives you a hedge and brings more clients to patronize you. 

Research has shown that people who advertise their businesses on social media get more clients than those who do not. Check out the portfolios of top freelancers on the platform you have chosen and compare them with yours. Use their portfolio as a template for yours. 

A disorganized profile can distract potential clients. If your portfolio looks too busy, clients may assume that you are disorderly and otherwise if it is organized. After creating an outstanding portfolio, ensure you promote your account on other social media platforms for more reaches.

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